Sunday, 14 June 2020

Year 8 leadership - Whenua Iti

Our Year 8 Leaders were off to Whenua Iti today for their leadership challenge. Although the sun struggled to shine it looks like you have all made the most of this adventure!



Thursday, 11 June 2020


One of our focus areas for learning this term was around the idea of "exploring further". We shared ideas around Marama Clubs, and then settled on 6 clubs that we could learn and explore within over this term.

Our clubs are:
* Photography Club
* Food Technology Club (affectionately referred to as the cooking club)
* Newspaper club
* Gardening Enviro Club
* Ozobot club (our coding, tech and robot genius' at work)
* Sports Clubs

Each of our clubs created a proposal based around our team learning goals, responsibilities and opportunities to extend our learning to teach others.

We meet once a week, where our aim is for us all to learn and explore one new thing, whether it be weeding, coding, formatting, editing, eating or teaching.

Our food tech club amazed us all with their first creation- Butter Chicken from scratch - the whole school smelt amazing

The newspaper club are putting together the "Marama Monthly" to share with the school. We look forward to reading your first edition team :)

Week two from the cooking club was tacos - so fresh and healthy, and another hit with the taste testers.

The photography club have been exploring different shots and locations around the school. 
We are impressed to see your eye for detail and creativity.

Year 8 leadership - Whenua Iti

Our Year 8 Leaders were off to Whenua Iti today for their leadership challenge. Although the sun struggled to shine it looks like you hav...