Sunday, 26 April 2020

Tasty Treats - Marama cooking up a storm at home.

Wow - Toby and Heidi have been so incredibly amazed by the cooking and baking that has been coming out of your kitchens during isolation.

There were so many delicious looking morsels being shared with us, we thought we had better share them with you all.

We hope this continues once we are back to school :)

ANZAC cookies with Jack. 
A new adventure in the kitchen for Jack.

Brooke shared her Lemon Meringues (top) and Caramel Meringues with us.
She also made plain meringues - great dessert at her house!

Brooke was clearly on a roll baking up a storm with mini Carrot Cakes (top), Hot Cross Buns, and finally Miso Soup with Noodles.  Wow! Maybe we will need to run a food market at school!

Alfie has also been busy in the kitchen with ANZAC cookies, Hot Cross Buns and a Key Lime Pie - which was clearly too good to last for the photo.

Fianna was on a roll with cake baking at her house. 
How lucky for her family to have such delicious treats!

Marie-Anne took up the ANZAC cookie challenge with her brother. The chocolate ones look particularly good to us.

Ben's Burger looks better than the one in the book.
 His family were lucky to have him on Dinner that evening.

Keedan created some rather scrumptious looking ANZAC cookies with his family.

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Bird Spotting in Isolation - Ornithologists in Training :)

One of the nice things about being around our homes a bit longer, has been taking the time to explore our very own backyards.

Thanks to the people who have shared their bird spotting snaps with us. The challenge is on. 

What bird species have you got close by? Have a go at capturing some and send them through to us here at the blog.

We begin our hunt with this beautiful Tui from Alfie's back garden. Credit to Alfie's Dad for snapping these two shots.

A rather large Kereru visited Heidi's Totara trees, and took a quick explore around the fish pond.

Its amazing what kind of "wildlife" you can find in our own backyards. Thanks for sharing Amanda :)

Jess came across a bird hiding under the eaves in her bird spotting adventure.

Sunday, 19 April 2020

Anzac Art - Learning from home

Cathy issued us a challenge for Anzac Day. As we are unable to celebrate together and remember our ANZAC heroes, we are trying to create a visual art work to share and show from our homes.

We will post people's ideas and art work here as they become available to us.

The first one is a great piece to start us off from Anneke :)

Kaela completed the next poppy to place on her letterbox.

Fianna has her poppies along her fence line - great contrast with the white fence as the background!

Wow! Your creative lights are shining bright - keep imagining and creating Marama - we love sharing your ideas.

Thanks for sharing Evie - I think Mostyn helped with these too! Very Impressive Team :) 

Sophie created her beautiful poppies from crepe paper - fabulous!

Thanks for sharing these shots Alfie - The sun rising through the poppies looks very cool!

Amanda created this sign to celebrate Anzac Day at home. :)

Henry helped his Dad out with the poppy challenge - we think he was a great help by the looks Toby!

A beautiful wreath created by Saree and her family.

A very unique adaptation- we are really loving the creativity in this autumnal ANZAC wreath - thanks for sharing Caleb.

A team effort to create this sign for Anzac Day - good to see some recycling of all those Coca Cola cans.

Another beautiful creation to mark Anzac Day at home - thanks Jack.

Great to see what materials you used to up-cycle into your poppy. Your final creation looks great.

And this view of the sunrise is amazing - thank you so much for sharing.

Thanks team Olykan for getting the school wreath down to the Community Centre - a great way to remember our ANZAC heroes.

Year 8 leadership - Whenua Iti

Our Year 8 Leaders were off to Whenua Iti today for their leadership challenge. Although the sun struggled to shine it looks like you hav...